
How To Warmup for the Clean

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Try out these drills to better warmup before your next Clean workout.

An effective Clean warmup should increase core temperature, increase blood flow to the necessary muscle groups and reinforce the motor patterns of the Clean. Here is a sample Clean warmup:

Clean Grip RDL 

-Hold Barbell with Regular Clean grip

-Feet Between Hip and Shoulder Width Apart 

-Brace the Torso and Depress the Scapula

-Maintain Lat Engagement Throughout Movement

-Hinge at hip with controlled eccentric stopping below knee, shins remain perpendicular throughout Movement

-Maintain neutral spine for Entire movement 

-5 to 10 reps 

Elbows-In Goblet Squat Press

Feet shoulder width apart

-Knees and toes tracking together

-Hold a plate or KB 6-12” in front of you

-With upper back neutral pull elbows together press up overhead to limit of ROM

-Use tempo, pausing, stretching to gain more ROM

-6-8 reps 

Front Rack Stretch

Use full grip if possible, wedge stick under tricep 

-Keep wrist rigid and neutral

-Use opposite hand to apply pressure to tricep

-Keep torso neutral, no hyperextension

-Use tempo, pausing, holds to gain more ROM

-Incorporate between sets of Front Squats, Cleans, Jerks

-8-10 reps,  20-30 second stretches

Muscle Clean 

-Hold Barbell with Clean grip

-Feet Between Hip and Shoulder Width Apart 

-Start from Power Position, Soft knees, Shoulders Above Barbell

-Initiate drive through legs to full extension

-Continue elbow drive upward ONLY Rotate arms around bar into front rack

-Shoulders remain above barbell throughout pull

-Elbows pointed forward, full grip on bar

-4-6 reps

Front Squat

-Bar in front rack 

-Feet Between Hip and Shoulder Width, toes pointed with knees

-Elbows pointed forward/up 

-Initiate Squat from hips/knees together

-Knees track with toes

-Shoulders pushing into bar lats engaged 

-Maintain a neutral spine, chest up 

-5-10 reps

Clean from Power Position

-Hold Barbell with Clean grip

-Feet Between Hip and Shoulder Width Apart 

-Start from power position, soft knees, shoulders above bar

-Drive through legs to full extension

-Elbows drive UP pulling body under, hips move DOWN into Squat

-Rotate arms around bar into front rack

-Keep shoulders actively pushing into bar

-5 reps 

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